Object Oriented Programming - Java Programming Course - Chapter 2

Object Oriented Programming


·       The object oriented programming involves programming by using objects.

·       An object represents an entity in the real world that can be distinctly identified.

Ex: student,fan,light,circle,etc.,

·       An object has unique identity: State and behavior

·       State: The state of an object is nothing but the properties or attributes of the object which are represented by data fields or members.

Ex: The circle object has data fields like radius , area ,perimeter etc.,

·       Behavior: The behavior of an object is nothing but the actions what we want to do on the object. The behavior is represented by methods. Ex: Calculate Area(),Calculate Perimeter().

Class :

·       A class is a template blueprint which represents the state & behavior of objects.

·       Program to create a class Circle with radius & methods calArea() & calPerimeter().

class Circle


double radius; //here radius is called data field

double calArea()  //calArea() is a method


double area;


return area;


double calPerimeter()


Double per;


return per;




Inorder to access the data fields and methods in the program we have to create instances of the class which means creating an object.

Syntax for creating object:

classname objectname=new classname();

new is an operator used to create objects.

Creating object for above example:

Circle c1=new Circle();

So, this will be the continuation of above program(writing main() method and creating object):

class MyCircle


public static void main(String args[])


Circle c1=new Circle();


double a=c1.calArea();

double p=c1.calPerimeter();

System.out.println(“Area of circle= “+a+”Perimeter of circle =” +p);



So the output will be:

Area of circle= 531.1428571429

Perimeter of circle = 81.7142857143

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