Data Structures - Vector


A vector is a dynamic array brought to you by C++ stl to ease your task.
In almost every other program , you need an arrya and most of the times you dont know what its size will be .
So instead of wasting memory creating the largest size of array we can use a dynamically created array with the size that is required at that point of time . But implementing this on our own can be a little tough.
This problem is solved by the standard template library of C++.

We can initialise a vector of type integer as


int main()
vector<int> v1;

or we can initialise it as vector<int> v;

This will create 5 blocks and fill them with value 10.

Or we can insert a value in this vector by using the command v.push_back(value);

To print the vector or for any operation we can do it just like an array;

for(int i=0;i<v.size();i++)
cout<<v[i]<<" ";
v.size() - gives the number of elements in the vector;
v.begin() - gives the pointer to the beginning of the vector;
v.end() - gives the pointer to the last location + 1
There are many other such functions but these are the most basic ones that are usually used.


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